We're back in Stage 3 Lockdown again and we're open. What that means for you.

We’re open.

As physiotherapy is an essential service, JBA Physio will remain open during the Stage 3 Lockdown coming into effect tomorrow. 

Changes to protocol in the clinic

We will be making some changes to the protocol within the clinic. These are:

  • [New] We require patients to wear a mask in the waiting room and in the treatment rooms. Please follow directions from your physio.

  • [New] We would appreciate people to bring their own masks. 

  • [New] If you have not yet purchased a mask, we will have spare surgical masks.

  • [New] Our physios will be wearing masks when treating patients.

  • [Updated] We require all patients to wash their hands when they arrive and leave the clinic (or use hand sanitiser).

  • [Updated] We require clients to bring their own towel to both classes and physio appointments.

  • If you are unwell, please cancel your appointment. We cannot treat patients who have any Covid-19 symptoms.

  • If you have been exposed to people who have tested positive to Covid-19, you will need to get tested. You will need to receive a negative test result before we can see you for treatment. 

We will also be reducing the size of classes to a maximum of 2 people with social distancing while in Stage 3 restrictions. Hands-on physio services remain the same. 

Why are we making these changes? 

  • Victorian DHHS has changed its advice on mask use in a clinical setting. If social distancing cannot be achieved, mask use is recommended. 

  • Hospitals, GPs and Allied Health clinics are changing their protocol to adhere to this new DHHS advice.

  • We want to keep both our patients and staff safe and healthy. 

Please do not hesitate to call us at the clinic on 1300292894 to discuss your individual needs. We look forward to looking after you during this difficult time.